Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

EFT for Money Blocks and Celebrating Proof on the Podcast

As I’m writing this the clock turned “11:11” …

Celebrating the Proof (Evidence) of the LOA working in your life was the the 1st topic today.


Before the show I went down the corner to get some coffee. I was surprised to see several people setting up for a small biz fair. They were all people who were reps for different networking companies or selling handcrafted items.

As I mentioned in the show, before I would have been kind of annoyed with this…all these people taking up MY coffee space and trying to sell me stuff!

In the podcast today you’ll hear what positive mind shift I had about it…

It also inspired a reading from Michael Losier’s Law of Attraction

By the way, people critisize this book for making LOA too simple!

After all that I got revved up and did an EFT session called “Money Doesn’t Come Easily” from Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance with EFT

This really got me feeling good and found a lot of relief!

Contact me with questions and topics for future podcasts and/or a topic for EFT


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Redefining the word “accomplish”

Question: I have not managed to allow in, or manage people to make
things happen. (speaking of building her home)

That’s one thing we have noticed.

People building empires, people forming relationships, lasting relationships, creating big projects, master pieces, everyone of them does more then 99 percent of the building it, and putting it together, before they purchase their first piece of land, before they put the first board or brick into place, in other words,
it is all accomplished vibrationally before they begin, in the action sense.

And it is so interesting to see that even though 99 percent of all that is necessary for the full blown manifested conclusion of it, is in place, even before they begin, once they begin, their sense of not enoughness, or the sense that it is not done, or the sense of – I need so much to accomplish it, is enough of a spattering of a contradictory vibration that they hold themselves often in a holding pattern for long periods of time.

It’s because they want to make it – when you use the word accomplish,
you make it about wanting to move the material things into place, and we want you to let it be about the satisfaction that you derive from the vision of it, because when it lines up vibrationally, when it clicks into place, you won’t be able to stop the avalanche of people and circumstances that come to make
your dream a physical reality, it’s the same thing we have talked about today
about continuing to ask the question not realizing that life has caused you to ask the question, the answer has been building long ago, now you must ask other things so that you stop beating the drum of the question of this that has already been DONE, it would start to come together..

THAT WAS big did you hear it ???

When you keep looking for your lover, and looking for the people that will build or
the people that will facilitate-when you keep looking for them, its already done-
and even though its RIGHT under your nose and ready to pop for you, it CAN’T because your holding yourself in phase 1, instead of phase 3.

Do you believe us when we say that everything that has been created is about vibration?

We know that’s hard to take, We know that you are so good at moving stuff around with your physical being that you think that THAT is accomplishing.

We want to put a new descriptive or meaning on the word accomplish:

We want to say accomplish means:

Let’s accomplish vibrational alignment-
Let’s accomplish vibrational sameness-
Let’s accomplish the closing of the gap-
Let’s accomplish basking in the dream of this vision-
Let’s accomplish feeling good about something already done-
Let’s accomplish happy anticipation in watching the universe bring things into being-
Let’s accomplish a releasing of awareness in how long it’s taking-

Let’s make accomplish about energy and thought and feeling, and get it out
of the realm of activity, action or doing.

Accomplish THAT ! ! ! !

What you want to do is talk about your accomplishment in past tense..
Think about it- if your looking for a lover, speak about your lover as someone already attracted, or financial abundance, speak of it as having been accomplished in the way that YOU mean it, in the physical sense- speak of it, until you feel it and when you feel it, you’ve LINED up with it- and when you line up with it- it comes.

Mediterranean Cruise 5-2008

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How do you Feel when others spend money?

When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself.

But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you,
and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you,
then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money,
but about every important subject in your physical experience.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness

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Vibrational Marketing and LOA

What you want is already done! It’s not missing. You are not in the process
of creating it now, it’s already been created. .

The marketing campaign that you are launching is not to attract the millions
to your product, they’ve already been attracted. The marketing campaign you
are launching is to attract YOU there. And the way you do that is by talking
about the beauty of it, talking about how wondrous it is, talking about how
good it feels, lining up with it, pretending it’s already done.

The universe doesn’t know if the vibration you offer is because you are
imagining it or you’re living it. It just responds to the vibration of it.”

– Abraham-Hicks, San Francisco 03-22-2009

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What the Vortex is…by Abraham

We also say that when you’re in the Vortex the absence of
things wanted does not occur to you.

In other words, here’s, here’s the misunderstanding that you have.  And as we speak this here, it is going to help all of you a great deal. 

This Vortex is an emotional state of being-ness.  It is not a place of having-ness.  In other words, it is an emotional state of being-ness.  It is your in
this moment response to life.  It’s the merging of you and you.  It’s a vibrational state.  It’s an emotional state. 

It’s not a place.  It’s not stuff.  It’s not relationships with others.  It’s, it’s the
relationship with you.

So, it’s a state of being.  And we have to say to you that when you get chronically and consistently inside this emotional state, in this vibrational place where you are feeling so whole and so clear and so in alignment with who you are, there is no absence of wanted things. 

In other words, the reason you want that relationship is so you will feel like this and when you feel like this the relationship becomes a non-issue.  And that’s the thing that sort of trips some people up is that they don’t want the relationship to be a non-issue and we say, yes you do.

You want the absence of the relationship to be a non-issue because you
want to be able to achieve the emotional state of bliss regardless of the things that are going on around you. 

And when you chronically achieve that then that’s when the
manifestations start sweeping in to your experience.  That’s when your real life experience mimics or replicates your emotional experience but when you clutter the two when you confuse the two, when you think the Vortex is the place where, where and we know we have said those words, we say get in the Vortex where everything that you want is. 

But we want to clarify that by saying, we want to clarify that by saying, get into the Vortex where your emotional state of being is one of worthiness, and confidenceness and confidence and completeness and certainty and stability and elation and passion and when that is your habit of thought, when that is the way you feel then out here in this real world that you live all of the actualization that replicates that vibrational accomplishment must come to you. 

So, what happens is you get in and you feel that way and then you take score and then you don’t feel that way, so you get in and feel that way and then you take score and then you don’t feel that way.  So, what we are wanting to assist you in no longer doing is taking score.

We want what we really want is something many of you resist.  We want the vortex and the way it feels in the Vortex to be enough for now, to be enough for now.  It feels this, it’s this much to feel this good. 

It’s sort of like someone living in a rental and lamenting the fact that they don’t own it and we say, but look no one else is trying to get their groceries in the refrigerator.  No one else is trying to park their car in the garage.  No one else is trying to get in the back yard and mow the lawn.  That might be a good thing.  In other words, accept the essence of this and then however you want it to really play out in your life will be, but as long as there is a feeling of lack that is chronically active then you can’t get there from there. 

Tahiti Cruise 2009, CD No. 8, Track 13 and part of Track 14

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Hellow LOA’ers and InVeStworkers!

Welcome to the Law of Attraction for InVeStworks blog, the companion to my podcast of the same name.

My intent with both is to help people Allow more Financial Freedom using fun LOA games and discussions and the actions steps of the InVeStworks Model System!   Even if you’re not with InVeStworks it is my intention to share energy raising information to help you in your own business.

This blog will provide a spot for the links and resources mentioned in the show including some of the fun EFT scripts I write

Live calls are Saturdays at 10am Pacific, with occassional prerecorded shows throughout the week


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